Thursday, February 10, 2011

January is NOT my favorite month. In fact, I somewhat dislike it. It is cold and unpredictable and usually has nothing to look forward to in it. This year, however, January was actually kind of exciting: Cari and I, along with Cari's sister Cristie, went to Dallas to the buyer's market for the first time ever! It was really lots of fun. (Cristie is a buyer for a department store and has been many times. We begged her to go with us and help us- thank you Cristie! If we were dorks, it was not her fault.) As I said, we had lots of fun. The mart is HUGE

 and the whole experience was rather overwhelming. We concluded that we felt like we were at the world's biggest shopping mall, but unable to buy anything (at least, not immediately). Or like we were at a party we weren't sure we were invited to-in other words, slightly intimidated. Everyone was nice, but it was difficult to appear confident while trying to make so many simultaneous decisions: Is this something we like? Would it fit in our shop? Could we sell it? Can we afford it/ keep it affordable for the customer? Along the way, we were distracted by the popcorn, ice cream bars, dips, candies, and coookies. Honestly, I had no idea so much food was involved in these events! While we snacked, we were able to snag a few items cash and carry and ordered several items that will be coming in over the next month or so.

I'm completely satisfied with what we did buy, and I think RedHill customers will like it. Our shop is still so new, we are still working out exactly what we want it to be. Of course, we know what we want it to be, but a shop changes almost daily, and we want to make sure we keep it moving in the right direction. Overall I think we accomplished a lot- and learned a lot- and laughed a lot, mostly at each other. We will definately go again, and next time, we will go confidently and we will wear our comfortable shoes!

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